CC Engagement Teaser
teaser cc
Layovers are beautiful

story to be told soon.

las vegas airport.

Jack Winn Salon
Check this place out. Jack Winn Salon in Newport Beach, CA. There are awesome facials and awesome stylists. The people that work there are probably some of the nicest in the Salon Industry. And I have to keep giving them shameless plugs. I'm pretty much hooked. I learned about them from my internship and wrote a review about them. Plus, there place is decked out in Christmas and it's adorable.

jack winn

jack winn

jack winn

jack winn

jack winn

jack winn


a day in the park
this was from a few months ago. Me and the little one went on one of our park adventures. As for the little girl, she's the cutest little thing. Her and James just started playing one morning. If only I knew what a kids imagination was like. I would truly like to know and live in it.


girl and boy

playground world

lovely around the room
One night, I found beauty in mine and Jessi's room. I get in these moods. Much like right now, seeing as how i'm supposed to be writing a rather long paper. Fifty pages to be exact. Page seven. It's taken me seven days to get this far. oi.

The Marks Family
Albany, Oregon-- sprayfoam capitol, presents the Marks family. I had the joy of taking some family portraits. Doug and Dar are the type of parents that you wish you had. Doug is a pastor who understands people no matter the age. His wife loves to garden. She's got a green thumb and everything she touches looks enchanted. Des is hippie. Yes, definition of hippie. She hasn't straightened her hair and years and can't remember the last time she brushed her hair. Emily and Sterling are one of the most beautiful couples I have had the experience to be around. They are truly silly and actually like to be around each other. They met a few years ago when Sterling would tour as a sound guy with bands like Falling Up and Mute math. He toured to Minnesota every so often and met Emily. A year later she moved in with Doug and Dar to be close to Sterling. The rest is history.








Jessi Duke